Giving is Caring

Always remember:

The value of time, the success of perseverance, the worth of character, the power of kindness, the influence of example, and the obligation of duty.

Monday, 5 November 2012


Wordle: Getting to know Wordle
Word cloud created with Wordle

I am currently learning to use different Web2.0 tools in education and while answering a question from my teacher Michael Krauss I browsed into Nik´s Learning technology blog and found this toy.
Since my students are teachers, I think they will find it very useful to devise activities to check vocabulary, to compare texts, to make predictions, to hide a message, etc.
It is very easy to use and it is absolutely free. Just go to  and follow the instructions. It can be saved in a gallery and can also be embedded in a blog or printed on paper. It has several advantages since it also allows a lot for creativity.

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