Giving is Caring

Always remember:

The value of time, the success of perseverance, the worth of character, the power of kindness, the influence of example, and the obligation of duty.

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Getting a B2 level


Why is it important to get a B2 level and demonstrate it by obtaining the Cambridge English First Certificate?

Because achieving this level allows you to interact fluently with native speakers, explaining your point of view on topical issues,  understand the main ideas of different kinds of complex texts and produce detailed texts on a wide range of subjects. 

Besides, it is a good extra point if you are applying for a job not only in teaching but in any field of specialization. 

This course places special emphasis on issues such as Idioms and Collocations, Phrasal Verbs and Sentence Transformation. 

Saturday, 15 May 2021


 With a world changing so quickly in terms of technology, climate and- these days- health safety, our students, particularly teens, will need more than intellectual subject knowledge. They have lost their social peers near them and they cannot do regular “teen” things like sports, clubs, cinemas, they also  had to learn to adapt to a new kind of instructional format. How can we teachers help our students to acquire and develop skills for them to thrive in this context?

 Life competencies are now an integral part of education; our students need to develop emotional reasoning and critical thinking but we also need to know how they feel, what they want and how to face the future. We´ll try to provide some insights into this in this academic event.

Use of English Review Courses

If you need to write, speak to people, work in English, learn another language, communicate ideas, prepare reports, manage people, study and especially teach English then learning about how English is put together and how you can put it together more effectively is an invaluable skill. Grammar describes how a language works and, since you are teaching that language, you should be able to describe what you are teaching. Grammar is a massive subject but as an English teacher you should be familiar with the basics For learning the Basics at the different CEFR levels, in CTS we have prepared these courses where we are presenting the grammatical contents suggested for the levels through different input material and we provide personalized feedback for the evaluations so participants will know what went wrong and why.