Dear CTS friends and family
We are going through
difficult times where reaching the end of the tunnel is everybody´s
responsibility so we need to abide by the rules and stay home.
In these times of
lockdown, we teachers have even more responsibilities than before since we are
expected to help our students learn in a virtual context they are not so
familiar with because they use it more for entertainment and pleasure.
We need to prepare online
teaching material that is – of course- different from the material we use for
face-to-face lessons and we also need to use platforms and tools we are not so
familiar with and with little time to master their use.
We know that little by
little we will gain more skills at doing this and will manage to reduce
preparation time while mastering the use of the Internet tools. It is at times
like this when approaches such as Gamification , Flipped Learning, ICT and Web
tools can help us pass on knowledge,
consolidate or even assess it.
At CTS we feel we have
contributed to support our teachers by having
chosen the above approaches as modules for our last summer course both in its
face-to-face as well as online modality.
We are committed to keeping on
offering practical courses and workshops (online modality) about tools and
strategies for online context not only for teachers of English but for teachers
of any subject. Thus, we can help our teachers in their virtual teaching
practice until the time comes for meeting our students face to face without any
health risk.
Please keep posted, we are
working hard to support you and meanwhile take care and stay home.
you can see some highlights of our VII Summer blended learning course.