Topics for the Sixth Summer Course for Top English Language Teachers - 2019
The topics of our Sixth Summer Course rely on the principles for teaching in the 21st Century. We cannot teach in the same way we learned the language when we first encountered it. The demands of the new Century oblige us to cater for different needs and perhaps, one of the most important ones is to create an environment that is conducive to learning.
In this Module we will deal with learning strategies, learning styles and multiple intelligences to make differentiation a useful criteria for helping our students learn and use the recently acquired knowledge.
Communication really matters!. In fact, it is one of the four Cs of education in the 21st Century and it takes place in so many ways that we need to catch up with the different purposes and tools that are currently in use so as to communicate for global understanding.
If teaching in the 21st Century implies the development of the four C´s (Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity), it also implies the development of information and media literacy for which we need to use the tools available through connectivity. There are free tools we can exploit to introduce the real world in our classrooms so as to make language learning really meaningful and memorable.
All this came to our minds when we decided and surveyed the possible topics for our 2019 Summer Course. As usual, CTS demands full commitment for this hands-on event and provides plenty of time for putting into practice what students have just been introduced.
Welcome to this interesting and useful event!!!