Giving is Caring

Always remember:

The value of time, the success of perseverance, the worth of character, the power of kindness, the influence of example, and the obligation of duty.

Friday, 21 July 2017

Developing Soft skills

Topic:  Developing time management skills
For every teacher, time is an important resource since we usually feel that it is not possible to achieve what we need because there is far too much work for the number of hours in a day. As teachers we need to balance the long-term goals with the immediate needs of our students besides all the additional work that comes along: writing lesson plans, grading exams and filling grade sheets, parents´ meetings, etc.
For all these reasons we need effective time management skills, to increase our productivity and provide a better education for our students. Join us in this workshop to help each other manage the situation.

Maria Luisa Mu is the Academic Director of CTS. She was the General Coordinator of the Language Department at USIL and is a certified teacher trainer with ample experience teaching Business in England, Spain, Chile and Peru where she participated in the organization of the English for Business Programme at ESAN and Universidad del Pacífico. She has also taught ESP at UNDP, FAO, OIT and UNESCO.
Maria Luisa is an educator who holds a Master in English Language Teaching from the University of Sheffield, England and has Post-Graduate Degrees (Diplomado de Segunda Especialidad) in Educational Management (PUCP), Information Technology (USIL), Curriculum Design for Distance Learning Courses (PUCP), Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (PUCP) and Teacher Training (UPCH).
She was the tutor of the blended-learning Master Degree course in TEFL from Universidad de Piura / FUNIBER and is currently one of their thesis advisors besides being a Speaking Examiner from Cambridge University from YLEs to CPE.

Topic:  Developing Self-Confidence: Helping Student’s Overcome their Fear
 In order to help our students achieve their best, we must understand what obstacles they are struggling with. In many cases, the limiting factor in a student’s progress is not a lack of ability or willingness to put in the work, but rather a lack of self-confidence. By helping students shake their fears and self-consciousness, we can encourage them to reach their full potential and share their knowledge and opinions with others.

Laura Marsh is a teacher from the United States who is currently working as Director of the Language Center at Antonio Ruiz de Montoya University and teaching specialized English classes to scholarship students focused on developing identity and professional and leadership skills. She holds a B.A. in Archaeology and an M.A. in Anthropology from Stanford University, and her studies focused on the societies of the Andes. Her ELT experience includes teaching one-to-one academic English classes to foreign graduate students at Stanford and teaching recent immigrants entering into an English-speaking public high school in California. She has also designed and taught various anthropology, archaeology, and cultural heritage courses at the university level.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Teaching is probably one of the most rewarding jobs although it may be the least well rewarded in terms of money in many countries.
In spite of that I am really happy to be a teacher and so today I need to thank my teachers for helping me to become who I am, I thank my fellow teachers for supporting and helping me to improve as a teacher. Last but not least, I am grateful to my students for teaching me how important it is to learn in order to teach.