The Performers and Educational Plays
Last Thursday 2nd I had the pleasure to present an academic workshop on Educational Plays and their impact on English language learning. As we know, Educational Plays are created according to the age and the language level of the audience so The Performers have brought three plays for Elementary, Pre-Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate levels.
I had first met The Performers some years ago when I was President of the Peruvian Association of Teachers of English and we had organized one of our annual International Conferences. They were invited to perform for teachers of English who had come from different parts of the country to attend the Conference.
The Association does not exist anymore, many of the teachers have stopped teaching but very few have forgotten the Performers.
They are back in our country again and this time, "re-loaded" since besides the plays there is a whole pack of follow-up activities material, both printed and online that will allow teachers to include these Educational Plays in their Curriculum.
The Representatives of the Performers in Peru set up a warm gathering inviting a large group of teachers eager to know more about this outstanding group of artists and I felt really happy to have contributed with a little grain of sand to share information about The Performers´ wonderful work.
I would love to share the Prezi presentation I prepared for you to appreciate some of the activities if you follow the link.