Giving is Caring

Always remember:

The value of time, the success of perseverance, the worth of character, the power of kindness, the influence of example, and the obligation of duty.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Closing event 2016

Our IX Facebook event will also be our closing event of the year. We have done quite a lot along this year and would like to take advantage of this event to thank you because you are the ones who inspire us to be better.

As usual, attending your requests, we have prepared an interesting workshop on the skills needed for the 21st century so as to finish the year with some reflections on what we have done and some expectations of what we should be looking forward to next year.

On Saturday 5th, we will  also thank the teachers who attended all Facebook events during this year, we will hand out the last TKT Certificates  and will give a little token of our appreciation to all attendees.

I prepared a short video on some of the topics we presented this year and while choosing the photos to accompany the topics, I could see that many of you have accompanied us almost all year long.

Thanks very much for your trust, your company and for helping us to pursue our goal of contributing to the professional development of our friends.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Coming soon !!!
Fourth Summer Course for Top English Language Teachers 2017

Ninth Academic Facebook Event

I cannot believe it is that time of the year again!!!
The end of our Academic year and our last Facebook event. To close this year and get ready for the new one, we had been requested to present something on the skills needed for the 21st century and so we are going to do.

We look forward to seeing you all there.

Comments on the VIII Facebook Event: Latest Trends in ELT

How silly of me! I had written these comments so long ago that I forgot to post them.

What a pleasure it was to develop this workshop. All participants were so cooperative and eager to participate that it was a thrill to be there. When they were asked to complete the consensogram on how much they knew about The Flipped Classroom, Mindsets in Education and Creativity and Innovation, their responses provided clear indication that the choice of the topic had been well made.The participants who volunteered for leading teams were- to a large extent- very much responsible for the success of the event. My deepest gratitude to them.

More than once I have been asked why I keep taking part in these workshops, I always find the answer in the interaction with the teachers and in our sharing since we all come from similar backgrounds.

I am certainly looking forward to the next event.

Friday, 23 September 2016

TKT -YL Preparation Course

This was one of my favourite courses. It was really good to see teachers realize that most of the activities they did in class so naturally had a rationale behind they did not know but they intuitively guessed was the right ones.
I am sorry Cambridge University Assessment has decided not to continue offering the TKT Young Learners Certificate since there were many teachers who teach English to kids who could have benefit from it.
Customized Training Services is offering its last course and I hope we could see some of you joining it.

Professional Development: TKT CLIL

The end of the academic year is getting closer and we are more and more involved in finishing the syllabus and elaborating the end of year assessment tools. However, we should not lose track of our own personal syllabus and how to achieve our professional goals. This is why I share information about our last courses of the year. Let´s start with TKT CLIL, a preparation course for all those who teach English in an English for content environment.

Friday, 26 August 2016

CTS VIII Facebook event was held last August 13th at Centro Empresarial Pardo. It was delightful to see so many people interested in knowing about the new trends. We developed Mindsets, Creativity and Innovation and the Flipped Classroom as some of the latest trends in ELT.

We also worked in stations and some team leaders were chosen from the audience. It was great to see participants involved in all the activities and looking forward to meeting in the next event.

Enjoy the video of the event!

Unlike General English, ESP (English for Specific Purposes) focuses on students´ professional needs where the purpose of the ESP lessons is to raise students´ levels of proficiency using their ESP fields or Career Paths to provide the context for the activities. Along this workshop some activities will be presented on how using a modern approach and the right material we can meet ESP students´ present and future communicative needs.
In this event we will discuss the issues to take into account when designing an ESP course and how to develop skills appropriate for the students.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Writing is a difficult skill and since it is a process, it needs time to be taught and improved. We are hosting this Writing event again because it has proved to be well-received, successful and very useful for those people training for Cambridge International Exams such as Cambridge English First and Cambridge English Advanced.

I am really excited and thankful for the way teachers receive these events. Thanks God for allowing me to exchange and share ideas with my colleagues.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Today I attended a very interesting event organized by Cambridge English Language Assessment from Cambridge University Press. It was interesting for several reasons: the first one was because, as a Cambridge Speaking examiner, I must be well acquainted with any news about the administration of the exam. 

The second one because the information provided not only help you learn more about this important skill but also reassured us, CTS tutors, on the activities we use when preparing our students to sit for these exams. 

Regarding this latter, in Customized Training Services we organize skills marathon for the two exams we run courses for: Cambridge English First and Cambridge English Advanced. How satisfactory it was to hear that to prepare for these exams we need to expose our students to functional language using real life situations and encouraging meaningful communication!!. This is something we always ask our tutors and participants to look for.

Another important impact of assessing speaking- according to the lecturer, Graeme Harrison, is to propitiate interaction and to practice using tasks that reflect the different levels of proficiency our students have. "Since language is learned in chunks, it should be taught in chunks too and the overall focus of speaking assessment should be intelligibility and not native-like pronunciation". 

We have also been using this principle when running our Pronunciation course in the past three years. Graeme suggested displaying a phonemic chart in the classroom so as to take every opportunity to improve pronunciation of individual sounds and that is exactly what we have in our classrooms. We use the Pronunciation chart created by Adrian Underhill, having been his student I feel he is one of the best teachers of Pronunciation ever and I have ever since tried to promote the use of his chart and articulation techniques in the classroom.

All of the information we received today made us fell really proud of our exam preparation and pronunciation and conversation courses. We are also more motivated to keep learning so as to continue offering the best.

Monday, 25 July 2016

AT CTS we just finished our pre-FCE course and I am really proud of the participants. They were punctual, committed and did an excellent job. Many of them will take the Cambridge First preparation course in August.  See you then!!!

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Whenever we start a new term I get really excited because we, the tutors at CTS, have more possibilities to meet new teachers and to work with the ones that have been with us for a while. We all share a common goal: to improve the level of our students by training and becoming better teachers.

This is the plan for the next term. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Our CTS Eighth Facebook event is coming. This will be a good opportunity to exchange ideas on  some of the latest trends in teaching EFL: Flipboard, Mindsets in Education, Creativity and Innovation and how to apply all this in our EFL context.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

In Customized Training Services we are getting ready for meeting the needs of the teachers of English who want to be ready for teaching in the 21st century. We offer a pleasant atmosphere where you can learn comfortably knowing that we will accompany and support your learning process to help you succeed.
Here is our latest agenda but if you form a group of 6 or more people you can ask for special schedules. Hope you find this useful.

Customized Training Services started in 2013 offering Preparation Courses for Cambridge English First (FCE at that time) and our TKT Young Learners Preparation Course. Since then we have widened our academic offer but kept the small number of participants per course to provide customized support.
Because of all of this and as the Academic Director, we feel really proud to announce that we are now an official Cambridge Preparation Centre and we promise to keep working with the same devotion and enthusiasm to help our colleagues meet their professional goals.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

The Performers and Educational Plays

Last Thursday 2nd I had the pleasure to present an academic workshop on Educational Plays and their impact on English language learning. As we know, Educational Plays are created according to the age and the language level of the audience so The Performers have brought three plays for Elementary, Pre-Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate levels.

I had first met The Performers some years ago when I was President of the Peruvian Association of Teachers of English and we had organized one of our annual International Conferences. They were invited to perform for teachers of English who had come from different parts of the country to attend the Conference.
The Association does not exist anymore, many of the teachers have stopped teaching but very few have forgotten the Performers.

They are back in our country again and this time, "re-loaded" since besides the plays there is a whole pack of follow-up activities material, both printed and online that will allow teachers to include these Educational Plays in their Curriculum.

The Representatives of the Performers in Peru set up a warm gathering inviting a large group of teachers eager to know more about this outstanding group of artists and I felt really happy to have contributed with a little grain of sand to share information about The Performers´ wonderful work.

I would love to share the Prezi presentation I prepared for you to appreciate some of the activities if you follow the link.

More Facebook Events

Our last FB event was held on May 14th and we developed two workshops: Teaching Grammar Differently and Teaching the HOTS. We also introduced working in stations for the HOTS activities and it was a real blast to see teachers so focused and involved in the activities.
Our VII FB event was also special because it was the last time at NUTESA Auditorium. We cannot thank them enough for hosting all these events providing not only the premises but also the book fair , snacks and refreshments for the coffee break and prizes for the raffle. Above all we would like to thank NUTESA and Ms. Maricarmen Rosas, their Marketing Manager for their trust and support .
CTS will keep offering FB events because every time we have more and more attendees. In this last event we had almost 40% new participants and the usual “caseritos” who have been with us since CTS started in 2013. We have plans for holding some FB events in the Provinces attending requests from teachers who came from Huancayo, Tarapoto, Ayacucho not only for the Facebook events but also for our Summer Courses.
Thank you very much, your attendance to our events really motivate us to be better and to keep working to support teachers in our ELT community.
VI Facebook Event

 VII Facebook Event

Tuesday, 31 May 2016


We  have now finished the third module of this course and the results could not have been more successful.
The purpose of the course is to help learners overcome some fossilized grammatical mistakes and/or raise awareness of some special cases that sometimes occur in even well-known structures.

Some sessions start with an activity based on a Use of English task and others go straight into understanding the structure and use of the Grammatical structure and then developing activities to put this knowledge into practice. The activities are not only sentences in a worksheet but also situations where students need to use what they have revised.

For instance, in the case of Reported Speech, students pretend they are at a party, they are given slips with some statements they need to say while mingling with the other guests while listening to some party music and then they have to report what they heard in the party.

To practise verbs and adjectives followed by prepositions we  use a game where students form groups and a member of the opposite group has to pick up cards with sentences where the preposition is missing. If they provide the right preposition,the score a point and can make their teams win.

Many people think learning Grammar is boring but in CTS we tried to make it useful and enjoyable and since the group was really small, we managed to make it really customized for participants´particular problems.

It feels good to hear from the participants that the course was good and useful and that they wanted more.

See you in the next course!!

Monday, 23 May 2016


Customized Training Services (CTS) organizes Academic events for all our followers at very reduced prices. There are two ninety-minute-workshops on topics that have been suggested by CTS users, which I find really useful since it is the teachers themselves who require the topics they need.

Another reason why I look forward to these events is that we have the chance to gather teachers from different backgrounds who happily share and exchange ideas making this gathering a very enriching experience not only for them but also for me since this keeps me aware of the needs and the achievements of our teaching community.

The Fifth Facebook event last year coincided with the closing of CTS Academic Year and Christmas so there were many reasons for celebrating and being merry.

I am sharing an overview of the event in this video:

Monday, 8 February 2016

Happy New Year to all my friends. Long life and prosperity to you all.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Customized training Services

If you are looking for a jump-start to your new year, here are six courses we are featuring this month to help you out.

1. Third Summer Course for Top English Language Teachers 2016
From Jan 18 - Jan 30 Mondays to Fridays from 09:00 - 13:00
This is a modular course and as in the two preceding courses we offer modules according to participants´requests. This year the modules are:
  • Creativity and Innovation in the Language Classroom
  • Pronunciation and Grammar develoment from Pre-Intermediate to Advanced
  • Teaching CLIL and Teaching Young Learners
  • Using TICS, Leadership and Team work techniques for the Classroom
  • Improving the Fours Skills using learning strategies 
2. Developing Conversational Skills
From Jan 11 to Jan 27, Mondays and Wednesdays from 17:00 to 20:00
This course has been developed especially for those professionals who want to both develop better listening and teaching skills themselves and who wish to convey those skills to their students. Each session is led by a native English teacher and will include various fun and challenging activities that are designed to identify deficits of current listening and speaking skills.

3. Improving Writing Skills
From Jan 12 to Jan 28, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17:00 to 20:00
This is the course for all those who need to improve their writing skills under the concept of writing as a cognitive process. You will learn how to develop different kinds of texts with particular emphasis to the organization, layout, editing and proof reading of academic texts.

4. Cambridge English: First (FCE)
From Jan 12 to March 10, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17:00 to 21:00 and Saturdays from 9:00 to 13:00.
 A comprehensive preparation course to take the exam in March and have the possibility to thoroughly prepare without the constraints of lack of time due to working responsibilities. 

5. TKT CLIL : Preparation Course for this Specialisation exam from Jan 13 to February 26. Wednesdays from 15:00 to 17:00

6. TKT Young Learners: Preparation course for this Specialisation exam from Jan 13 to February 24 from 17:30 - 19:00

RPC: 9898-52363
RPM: 9944-53348

Monday, 4 January 2016

Let´s begin the year investing time and effort in our own professional development. Check out what you can do this summer.


In the last V Facebook Event that took place last December 5th we collected toys and clothes from the participants who attended the event to help a teacher of English, Sylvia, from a very needed village in the outskirts of Lima.
She devotes most of her time and her meager salary to support a shelter for strayed dogs. She relies on the help of the neighbouring families who-in spite of having very little- are always willing to help.
Customized Training Services created this iniatitve because kindness and generosity are values we always talk about with our students and wanted them to see by themselves how easy it is to help even if you think you have nothing.
This video is of the day we gave all the donations away in the shelter whose name is Allco Wasi, which in quechua, the ancient language of the inhabitants of Peru, means The House of Dogs.