Giving is Caring

Always remember:

The value of time, the success of perseverance, the worth of character, the power of kindness, the influence of example, and the obligation of duty.

Saturday, 26 December 2015

We hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas. We would like to remind you of our Third Summer Course for Top English Language Teachers 2016 which will take place from January 18th to 30th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 pm.

This year we also have guest tutors and since you know every year we develop different modules based on your requirements,  we are sure you will be happy with the modules we are offering for 2016. These are: 
  • Creativity and Innovation in the Language Classroom
  • Pronunciation and Grammar development from Pre-Intermediate to Advanced
  • Teaching CLIL and Teaching Young Learners
  • Using TICS and Socializing (Leadership and Team work) in the Classroom
  • Improving the Four Skills using learning strategies
 Certification is for 200 hours and vacancies are limited.
View the previous Summer Courses.

Closing CTS Academic Year with our Fifth Facebook event


It is with great pleasure that Customized Training Services closed our academic events on December 5th not only with full attendance but also with a good response to our request of taking presents to provide a different Christmas for some of the kids at A.A. H.H Saul Cantoral. Thanks very much for that!!!!

 At the end of the V Facebook event,  the teachers who had done the Cambridge English First, TKT Young Learners, TKT CLIL and the CTS Course Teaching English Pronunciation received their Certificates. Some teachers even collected two Certificates having done the two TKTs or the Cambridge English First and a TKT showing that when there is a will there is a can. Some of them studied Saturdays and Sundays to be able to have a sound preparation for their exams and they certainly achieved their purpose.

We would like to thank our teachers of English not only for their effort but also for their inspiration. It really inspires us to see people who feel enthusiastic about their jobs, their lives and families. The good energy they transmit is contagious and oblige us to follow the example and get even more enthusiastic about what we do, thanks for having the faith to consider us as your trainers.

 We would also like to thank Ms. Maricarmen Rosas, Marketing Manager of NUTESA for all  their support at providing us with the premises, the coffee breaks, the presents and the publicity for our events. Thanks to her and to Marita Duarte from SM for her always being there to lend us a hand.
It is certainly inspiring to work with this kind of people who know where they are going, that happily make every effort to reach their goals and are determined to achieve what they want with drive and enthusiasm.


Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Last Saturday´s Facebook event was-once again- a success, not only because of the audience but mostly because of the quality of the audience. The topic of this presentation was thinking skills and it was really good to see so many teachers participating, expressing opinions and trying to make the most of their time in the sessions.
It felt as if we were among a group of friends exchanging ideas about what we think we should do to improve the quality of thinking in both our students and our fellow colleagues.
Once again, we have to thank NUTESA for hosting the event and providing the cozy atmosphere, the break and some of the presents for the raffle.
All these factors made me leave the event with a warm feeling in my heart. Our teachers are keen on working on their professional development and they do believe in lifelong training.
In CTS we feel obliged to continue working hard to reach the hard standards Peruvian education should reach and so we will. 
Thank you teachers!!!!

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

This TKT CLIL Preparation course is for all those who teach or intend to teach school subjects in English. It provides comprehensive input on the methodology and practice of CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning).

The course runs from August 27th to October 10th on Saturdays from 10 to 1 p.m. and  the units are divided into two modules:

Module 1: Knowledge and Principles of CLIL and

Module 2: Lesson Planning, Delivery and Assessment.

Teachers learn to use model language, evaluate language challenges in the classroom, develop enquiry-based learning and improve assessment methods and feedback.

The course includes materials for both face-to-face and online sessions, tutorials, sample tests, mock exam and the registration for the official TKT CLIL Cambridge Examination.

 For further information please contact:

Monday, 6 July 2015

See you this Saturday to celebrate Teacher's Day!!!!

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

TKT Young Learners Preparation Course 2015-1

An enthusiastic group of students took the summer TKT YL preparation course with us (Customized Training Services) . Here are some of the highlights of the course.

Customized Training Services organizes a Facebook event to thank all its Facebook followers. This time, we ran a survey to find out what teachers would prefer to Exchange ideas about and the title of these workshops show the result of these surveys.

We look forward to helping you with ideas in the same way you helped us.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

TKT Young Learners Preparation Course
Thank you guys!!! This course was SOLD OUT !!!!. We´ll let you know when we start the new one.

Many teachers who begin teaching find themselves busy trying to survive and cover the syllabus. Many times-especially when they teach children- they focus on the subject matter, the methods and keeping the children quiet.

Fortunately, teachers gradually understand the importance of observing what children do and talking to them to understand the children's amazing capacity for learning and their multiple abilities.

Doing the preparation course for TKT Young Learners will help teachers of children examine their own teaching and their beliefs. It provides insights into the special characteristics, abilities and attitudes children bring to the classroom and will definitely improve their teaching practice besides providing them with an international certificate from Cambridge University.

We look forward to joining you in this course!!!!

Thursday, 23 April 2015


Earth Day is celebrated on April 21 every year. However, I think that every day we should raise our students´ awareness  of the importance of protecting our planet.
It is never too late to act. On the contrary, we should act everyday doing simple but significant things like taking shorter showers, planting, reducing the amount of waste, recycling, unplugging appliances or devices (vampire energy) and some others you can read below. As usual you will also find some worksheets for your students to do some work and some other activities you may find interesting.
I hope you find this post useful and contagious!!
"The April 22 Earth Day, founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson, was first organized in 1970 to promote ecology and respect for life on the planet as well as to encourage awareness of the growing problems of air, water and soil pollution.
The April 22 Earth Day is usually celebrated with outdoor performances, where individuals or groups perform acts of service to earth. Typical ways of observing Earth Day include planting trees, picking up roadside trash, conducting various programs for recycling and conservation, using recyclable containers for snacks and lunches."
Here you are some more suggestions  to work as projects in the classrooms and a worksheet  if you also want to provide some language production.
(Taken from:
The Earth Day flag

Tuesday, 27 January 2015


The Second Summer Course for Top English Language Teachers has finished and I am really happy to tell you how proud I feel of the participants and how hard they have worked during the face-to-face and online sessions to use the tips they had exchanged in class. Congratulations to you all on your excellent performance!!!